80+ Years of Teaching + Over 600,000 Classes Served = An Equation for Success
Our mission at Math As A Second Language (MSL) is to provide intuitive math instruction thereby ensuring lasting comprehension. We particularly want to empower teachers to transmit their mastery of arithmetic thereby enabling their students to succeed in our technological world.
To this end, we have developed this free website (www.mathasasecondlanguage.com) based on the concepts of our master teacher, Professor Herb Gross.
Our website makes available complete courses in:
Arithmetic and Algebra – We relate learning math to learning a second language in which learners see numbers as adjectives and units as nouns thereby forming the concept of quantities. From there, we need just a few principles (easy and intuitive) upon which we develop all of arithmetic and algebra.
Calculus – This highly acclaimed video series Calculus Revisited ( Single Variable Calculus, Multivariable Calculus Complex Variables, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra) is also available at MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) and YouTube.
Our basic math courses comprise video lectures, animated PowerPoint presentations (created by Rick Medeiros) and other written materials that can be downloaded free of charge.
What distinguishes us from others who are endeavoring to do similar things is Professor Gross; a world-renowned math professor who has effectively taught students at all ends of the academic spectrum. He specializes in presenting difficult mathematics topics in user-friendly, meaningful ways that still contain the necessary rigor. Most importantly, his students, from all walks of life, have no difficulty internalizing what he teaches and thereby improve both their critical thinking skills and their chances for greater upward mobility.
Our mission is to present his works and supplementary material so that all who use our material (for workshops or on the web) will be able to learn simply by listening to his lectures and viewing the interactive power point presentations that accompany them.
We plan to keep developing the material on our websites, and we want to add to the scope of available resources including classroom activities, lesson plans and short videos on the WHY of arithmetic including its historical development. We want to offer workshops to teachers and facilitators at no cost to those most in need of help and least likely to be able to afford them. We need help to make this happen! Please considering making a donation.
Math can really make a difference. And I'm not just talking about using subtraction.
I always wished I had an older or younger brother to guide me along with maths. Im near the end of your polynomial lectures and can`t wait to get to line integrals and Green`s theorem etc but for the moment the next lecture in itself will be a joy. Many thanks ! An eng. graduate refreshing what I should have known!!!!
If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics.